Epidermis – KALTBLUT Magazine


A KALTBLUT exclusive. Images and Videography by Sema Yaman. Design is Lera Shutovskaya. Innovative Direction and Styling by Seyda Ipek. Make up and Hair by Irina Yantsukevich. Tunes Composed by Orkhan Mirzesoy. Fashion Models made use of are Nu, Movom, Zygielle, Patrick Sombrero, Idylle, Les Bebes, Ece Uza, Mehmet Emiroglu.

https://www.youtube.com/check out?v=WjisYWcRD5Q

How would I know I’m human if I wouldn’t peel the crust on me,
would not see myself undressed, uncovered, and under no circumstances arrive throughout all my tumours?
How would I know I’m human?

Photography and Videography by Sema Yaman / www.semayaman.com / Instagram: @filleresenfoni
Innovative Course and Styling by Seyda Ipek / Instagram: @_seydaipek
Design is Lera Shutovskaya / Instagram: @polonaamy
Make up and Hair by Irina Yantsukevich / Instagram: @irinayanz.makeup
Music Composed by Orkhan Mirzesoy / Instagram: @orkhanmirzesoy
Styling Assistant by Beril Unal / Instagram: @berriill_
Images Assistant by Kadir Can Deger / Instagram: @kadircandeger

Vogue Manufacturers used are Nu, Movom, Zygielle, Patrick Sombrero, Idylle, Les Bebes, Ece Uza, Mehmet Emiroglu

Instagram identify of every model:
@nuofficial / @movomswimwear / @zygielle / @patricksombrero /@idyll.studio / @lesbebesdesign / @eceuza / @mehmetemiroglu


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