Five Tips for Christian Comedians That Guarantee a Great Comedy Show


If you are a professional Christian Comedian, I highly recommend considering the following five tips that will guarantee a strong and very funny performance. Being a professional means adhering to rules of behavior that will make events coordinators feel immediately secure that they have booked talent that is conscience of the needs of both the church and their guests.

1) As a Christian Comedian, You Must Avoid Any Material Containing Offensive Language, Set-ups or Punchlines

Know that Christian Comedy is an artform. It is a unique humor that is appreciated by people seeking clean, funny comedy that is not offensive. Generally the comedy is delivered in a church setting, auditorium or all-purpose room. If you are delivering comedy that is not appropriate for this type of setting, you will know immediately. The ambience and crowd reaction will train a comedian as to what material is appropriate the minute he or she begins to speak.

2) Be ready to Use Bible Verses

On occasion, this request is made. Although many Christian Comedians do not regularly quote bible verses in their performance, it may be wise to have one or two references prepared and associated with clean humor – just in case.

3) Always Be On Time

It is my recommendation to arrive one hour prior to showtime. This puts everyone at ease – including the performer! Additional time will allow you to look over the room, check the microphone, set up books if you are selling them, talk to the event coordinators and chat with guests. If any problems arise with stage or sound, you will have ample time to get them in order.

4) Dress Up! Dress as if you are performing on Television

It is always better to be over-dressed rather than appearing casual at a more formal event. Taking the time to dress appropriately demonstrates that you are a professional and take the time to make a nice appearance.

5) Make your Audience the Stars of the Show

So many comedians overlook the fact that it is important to make your audience members the stars of the show. This is so effective for producing a memorable show. Many performers “customize” their show by making direct references to audience members in their routine. I recommend taking it one step further and including audience members on stage in your performance. “Taking the stage” is a memory that guests will remember for years to come!

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